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In 2010, 3D technology was considered perhaps the most popular, sought after and innovative. Now interest in 3D has cooled down, and every day there are more and more people dissatisfied with it. However, criticism is just another step on the road to progress. In this article, I will talk about how to get 3D volumetric images and what technologies are used for this.

A bit of theory:

3D technology is based on the idea of ​​creating two images for each eye of the user. In principle, creating 3D content (photo or video) is easy - combine two cameras in one device, and then bring together the information received from them. It's much more difficult to "show 3D," that is, to show each eye "your own" picture.

Other minor changes and fixes
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Basic knowledge from the course of optics reminds us that you can create a "volume" using the polarization of the light flux. It is enough to pass the light through special light-refracting crystals to create the illusion of a three-dimensional image. To view this image, you will need to use special polarizing glasses. The principle of polarization is based on iMax 3D technology used in movie theatres and not applicable in home electronics.


The first steps in 3D technology are based on dividing the image for each eye by colour. Such a video (or image) is called anaglyphic, and to view anaglyphic content, you need special red-blue glasses (for one eye - a red filter, for the other - blue). However, with this approach, colour rendering and image quality are lame. Anaglyph video was popular in the 70-80s of the last century, but since then a lot of water has flowed, and in the courtyard of the XXI century, the century of innovative technologies.
Line Separation:

The idea of ​​creating different pictures for each eye by displaying them line by line is much more modern and advanced. It is based on perhaps the most widespread 3D-technology XpanD, which is used both in cinemas and 3D-TVs and monitors. To view 3D content, special glasses are needed. Moreover, they must be synchronized directly with the viewing device.
Synchronization, as a rule, is carried out through an IR sensor located between the glasses of glasses, because, as you know, if you close it with your finger (many did this trick in 3D cinemas ), the three-dimensional image is lost. Special glasses (more precisely, glasses in them) close for each eye the image that he should not see - the problem of creating a three-dimensional image is so simply and elegantly solved.


However, to view 3D content, you can do without glasses. In this case, the screen should "prepare" two different pictures for each eye. On top of the screen is the so-called parallax barrier, a layer of thin and precise slots that are responsible for what kind of picture an eye sees. Naturally, a certain part of the screen is hidden from each of the eyes (behind this very barrier), but, nevertheless, our brain, when processing such a "torn" image, forms an integral picture.
The disadvantages of this technology include the fact that at the slightest shift from the optimal viewing point, the eyes will no longer perceive the image as three-dimensional, it will simply double or blur. Screens with a parallax barrier are used in portable devices - telephones, cameras and laptops.
But what about the flaws? Nothing in the world is perfect, and 3D technology is no exception. Here is a list of the main disadvantage:

  • Glasses rather darken the image;
  • When viewing 3D content, my eyes hurt;
  • The volumetric effect is noticeable only in specially prepared videos, most often the 3D image seen is not impressive;
  • To view 3D content, you need a special screen (and sometimes also glasses);
  • Yes, and to print a 3D photograph, alas, will not succeed.
How To Install

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Password: GTAModMafia
Size: 1GB 
File Name: GTA San Andreas HD Graphics
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